Why book reading is mandatory

Sofia Sheroz
2 min readOct 21, 2020

In our society, the trend of reading has decreased over time, especially among the young. This leads to increased ignorance and confusion. The study of books has always been a necessity for man. For the conscious, it is food. The book is called the best companion of loneliness. The study of books plays an important role in developing the mind and making positive changes in the character of the person in an unfeeling way. The condition is that man should maintain his relationship with positive books.

The great leaders and people in the world have passed away, they have a common value in making the study books their habit. Nelson Mandela is a well-known and familiar figure. His services are indistinguishable in South Africa to end racism. During this struggle, he spent twenty-seven years in prison.

Being in prison is nothing less than a mental torment. It is a very painful situation. It may feel to some extent people who are confined to homes due to the Coronavirus and have reduced their social circle. But to keep his strength in this difficult state, Nelson Mandela also increased his relationship with reading and books and not let his passion, faith, and life’s passions be weakened.

It can be assumed that the study books are like a light-sand in the darkness of life. which does not let man lose. The importance and value of study in today’s younger generation need to be increased. Most time of Muslim life is the knowledge of religion. Therefore, it is important to create a trend of reading the Quran and hadith in the younger generation. For through the correct understanding of the religion, only man and especially Muslims can bring the good of the world and the Hereafter for themselves. You can find your lost place in the world. Islam is a complete code of life. The study of authoritative books is of great interest to build a better relationship with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

